Serbian German

Tooth whitening is a procedure of whitening your natural teeth. The most common reasons that lead to staining of teeth are excessive consumption of coffee, tea, red wine, drinks, tetracycline color, pulp necrosis, developmental anomalies of the teeth, and so on.

Materials used for bleaching are composed from containing carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide. The mechanism of whitening is based on a pigment oxygenation in solid tissue of the tooth, which has resulted in a change into the brighter color of the teeth. There are two methods of whitening, home bleaching using a splint and whitening in the dental office.

Using home bleaching, we make you individual trays for whitening. You need to fill these splints with preparation for whitening (carbamide peroxide 10-22%) and wear it during the night. This procedure is carried out 10-15 days or until the desired color of your teeth.


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