Serbian German

Do not miss the chance to teach your child a little while, and while there is no acquired aversion to the dentist, going to the dentist is not a bogey or punishment. Talk to your child about the importance of healthy and nice teeth. Save it from unpleasant experience of going to the dentist through timely review. Explain him that the children's dentist is its true friend.

Modern childrens dentistry has enabled the perfect way to protect children's teeth from caries. Sealing fissures will save child from pain, inconvenience and unnecessary repairs teeth.
Sealing fissures is proces of filling the space between the nodules of the teeth, which prevents the accumulation of food residuals, the main cause of tooth decay. The treatment is done quickly and easily, and the child does not feel the smallest discomfort or pain.

You probably know that the health of childrens teeth is very important because of the development of his jaw, speech, proper nutrition and overall health of the child. These are more than enough reasons to understand their dental health as a serious and important matter.
Knowing the fact that the childrens teeth are sensitized to damage, with incorrect nourishment with lots of sugar, tooth decay in children is very common. Therefore, the prevention of tooth decay in the youngest age is of extreme importance. Some of the preventive measures are removing soft deposits, fluorization teeth and sealing fissures. You will have the wholehearted help in removing deciduous teeth, correction of teeth or the need for wearing braces.


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